Pulling marathon shifts at the scope does less then wonders for my already delirious mind state induced by marathon sleepless nights. However, sitting in a dark, smelly, cramped, cold room has its advantageous, because the core facility is run by the one and only,
Bob the superhero. Don't believe he is a
superhero? Tough. You know why he is a
superhero? Because he makes fresh bread daily in the lab, and then, he not only allows, but
encourages me, to sit at his cozy table and chat whilst eating a meager 57 slices of his delicious, buttery, soft, warm, fresh baked creation. Today
Bob the superhero also had a mocha cheesecake. What is even more delicious then fresh baked bread? Eating it while you work, beats the eff out of that whole whistle nonsense. That's right,
Bob the superhero lets me eat at the scope.
Bob the superhero also has a nice microscope collection. That is to say, these microscopes are probably worth more combined then the entire population of the eastern coast of the united states of america. Adjusting the stage, focus, and imaging 13 slices of my cells with only a few clicks of my mouse while shining no less then 100 different wavelengths of light on my sample at my pleasure is almost more sweetness then I can handle. The only thing this scope is not capable of, is marriage, otherwise, I would be in Vegas instead of blogging.

So, while eating bread, and scoping, and eating bread.
I determined why exactly they have two monitors to display the contents of one scope. Hah! This is why I am a grad student. Take notes people.

Thank god I can simultaneously read post secret, the superficial, peruse craigslist, keep tabs on my mail AND facebook while scoring endless macrophages.
Bob the superhero is the coolest core facility manager ever. honestly. Thank you
super hero Bob, for turning what would have been a mundane crappy day into a carb filled entertaining delight!
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