If everyone wanted to just come stand around my hospital bed and look as morose as humanly possible while I
played this on loop, it would kind of make my day. I mean, it wouldn't because I think I have successfully managed to go off the deep end this time, but the amusement potential would be greater than my joy of being able to surpass my previous pee hat volume record. I told my nurse about how fulfilling I find it to make it past the 650 cc mark on my urine hat, inclined to believe that if she couldn't relate, she could at least appear supportive. I was sadly disappointed when I only got a nervously confused chuckle in response as she flushed my big achievement of the day down the pipes. I took it as a sign she didn't want to know that was the most I had managed to pee all at once since I arrived Saturday, effectively beating my other urine output highscores, or how I had been holding it in all day until the cusp of imminent bladder explosion, so it was a hard worked for - and therefore well earned victory. HUMOR ME LADY. god. some nurse.
Well, I have a potential record beating amount of liquids just waiting to be ingested - I'm going for 700 cc - wish me luck, better yet, wish for my release before I end up in the psych ward.

p.s. this is really neither here nor there, I just wanted you to feel sorry for me over the fact that in the past four days I have been here, they have tried to insert an I.V. in me 11, yes that's right, eleven,
ELEVEN, different times. Guess how great that felt. it didn't.
First of all, let me be the first to say CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PEE HAT!!!!
Okay but, seriously? If you don't get out of the hospital soon, I'm going to have to teach myself how to play the violin and then somehow figure out how to get down there and play it bedside. And then, just for funsies, I'll play Devil Went Down to Georgia, because fuck, I love that song and I know all the words and you can even dance a jig to it.
The purse in this picture is the only purse you have ever owned.
____ True
____ False
Wait. Are you doing the Miley Cyrus pose?
false. and no. that would be my holy mackeral iv dilaudid is a little intense pose.
shit, at least you're enjoying yourself...
other than suffering for days on end in the hospital, i mean.
you've won my sympathy, pal.
way to make me feel bad for endlessly whining about my entirely imaginary problems. Whore.
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