Yes folks its that time of year already!! Where did the time go!? - the annual fall melee of fuck my immune system is here, only place to go where the gamut of illness runs from cotton balls in my nose to gravel and glass shards in my intestine, and I'm pretty sure someone put a few bricks in my sinus cavities last night. If you lost your chain saw/blender blades/nails/or otherwise obtrusive sharp objects - look no farther because I think I may have accidentally housed them in my throat and bronchial tubes.
To overload you on the fabulous and fantastic fun that I am currently sitting here not experiencing, I get to present my research tomorrow at 9am. Have I started on my presentation yet?? would this really be a proper pity party if I had? But no worries, because its not like I really sleep anymore anyway. I'll type and fret away into the wee hours of the morning whilst trying to keep most of my internal organs from crawling out of my esophagus.
RSVP by midnight. Bring your own orange juice, tissues are provided, hugs should be distributed cautiously.

The orange juice does nothing. Blowing your nose just explodes blood vessels and spreads germs. The .2 seconds of mucous-less nose does nothing other than provide the opportunity for fresher more drippy mucous to move in. Your worst coughing fits will be when you're trying to sleep. The cough syrup only makes you drowsy. And you are only sick because you had plans for an awesome weekend lining up. My advice: Don't look at it as a disease. Look at it as a gift. Give the gift to your professor and his TA's. Let them go home and play with it for a while.
perhaps grad school is not for you?
Brian, honestly, I know its you - quit stalking me.
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