So, I am desperately trying to finish up yet another brutal take home exam, and in doing so I manage to find myself analyzing every aspect of all that is everything with a magnifying glass that decidedly has nothing to do with Dr.
Maile's question, which, is a direct descendant of some altered
distopian cess pool universe from hell.
(For the love of God, its open ended nature is a direct parallel as to if I was asked, 'hey - what did you do that time you were 10?')As such, it has occurred to me that upon arriving to Chapel Hill, I have somehow let maintaining standard aspects of well being fall to the way side. For example, my diet has been whittled down to sweet potatoes and frosted mini
wheats with the occasional apple. Every now and then I will splurge on tomatoes and
mozzarella. Running constantly from point A to point L and then back to point C, and if there is time maybe point B - food is on the same order of silly notions as sleep and making friends with my neighbors 200 lb.
I am happy to report however, I stay consistently showered (mostly) and I manage to make my bed every morning. And also, I even found time for a hair cut yesterday -which, the lady at Great Clips, where hair cuts cost $13, was
horrified by the state of disrepair and pronounced dead end dissemination of what was once a nice hair cut (last year's?). Great clips people, the lady at great clips was disgusted with my hair.
I am also happy to report, that my brand new scooter - where I was asked to sign a waiver promising to bring my bike in at 200 miles, and no more then 200 miles for proper calibration post breaking in -is going in on Thursday morning pushing 600 miles.
I have yet to still find time for glasses, which is rapidly making its way to the top of my to-do list. I really hate sitting at the front of every class, its especially rough now that its getting cold and I wear my heavy ski coat in every morning because my scooter ride is on an order of fucking frigid that would cause trepidation among Russians and eskimos. So, arriving to class, more often then not late, which is to say a standard ten minutes late every class, I have to loudly swish my way to the front, swish my way into a seat, swishing while I unzip my back pack to pull out the requisite binder, pen, water bottle, and the inevitable tissue search, all, whilst swish swish swishing away in my ski coat. And, it is WAY to effing cold to remove my coat until hours after I have disembarked from my morning scooter commute. This, as you can imagine, causes quite the disturbance at the front of the lecture hall, causing my
professor to stumble and loose his place, as it takes me five minutes to settle in, sounding like my own advanced acrobatic team dressed in full out nylon sumo suits. Yes, glasses are in order very soon. Honestly, carrying out such nonsense is a back of the classroom activity.
On and on I could go - however, now the sun is up which means I have to relocate to campus, and instead of posting, its more important that I try and find a brush to untangle my freshly butchered hair and
scavenge my closet for something slightly clean before making my way to class, which I will be late too, because I will be looking for clean(er) clothes, a brush, packing my lunch of a sweet potato, forgetting 12 things as I walk out the door, returning for 6 of them, leaving, getting to my bike, cursing, returning for the other 6 things, and
thusly managing to arrive on campus sans sweet potato, tired, hungry, and waiting to buy my next cup of coffee.