Saturday, May 16, 2009

almost human

push play or else.

so - in addition to actually making it over my first mountain on my bike yesterday, and yes it was only a 12 mile ride, and yes I spent most of the time not trying to swallow my tongue/vomit trying to breathe, and yes I could have done it 4 times over not too long ago and it been a whim, and no I still don't even remotely fill out my bike shorts, but I did that shit, and it was harder than crap. Yeah, so in addition to THAT. allow me to say I ate three whole meals yesterday, inclusive of toaster strudels, pb&j and chips, and ginger snaps and whipped cream (among other delightful concoctions) - and house was on for four hours last night...and I started my writing assignment for lab. (if you aren't weeping tears of overwhelming joy for me at this point, congratulations, you have no soul) addition to all of this


My dad came at me with gauze and a pair of scissors this morning and said.
It is time.


sabominator said...

HORRAY!!!! dude good for you, i am so happy to hear of all this de-draining, eating, schoolworking, and biking...YOU ARE THE MAN.

i actually think about you every time i bike, and am always sending positive vibes your way :) i miss you dude!

StephL! said...

Oh snap, I so totally did listen to that clip while reading and am a better person for it.

And I do have a soul, thank you very much, Lisa, that is so totally amazingly awesome I think I actually did almost cry a little bit. Seriously.

So I've been putting the finishing touches on your glowstick costume, we're just going to have to activate them through the fabric. And did you know? As of today, I will see you again in exactly two months. Two months! Oh my god, how awesome is that.

e$ said...

why did you draw my face on your drain, that wasn't very nice.

Tyler Schwend said...

Was it the most incredible PB&J ever?

Susan has some bad stuff going on with her digestive tract too... Docs don't know what. And all she wants to eat is a PB&J. What is with that...