Monday, October 6, 2008

old habits die hard

Out of sheer lack of motivation to crack into my latest series of papers I should read, before tomorrow, and allow me to re-emphasize the plurality of said papers - I am finding myself perusing the oldest of archived photo collections on my computer. I have thus come to several conclusions, many of these which I have previously thrown around lightly before in post-college haze memorandum style -- these conclusions often allude to a vague picture of me kind of being a hippie in college.

Now, in stark contrast to my current life, my retired hippie days have been etched, in marble, in a time capsule, in the safe hands of NASA. I am happy to leave them there, perma-sealed in with my old birkenstocks.

I bring to you the life and times of the ostensible college hippie:


really dirty table, beer shelf, hookah, shot glasses, old beer bottles, some - hugging hippie statue - now so cleverly turned upside down and balanced on aluminum foil and photographed. Really? I'm sure no one did that stoned, and it probably didn't blow their mind either.

Yes, my roommates constructed a solar oven. Yes, we used it, a lot. Yes, there are pictures of breasts on gandalf and frodo in the backround - and yes, that is a little tube of incense below the breast montage.

vegan burrito anyone?

Free hippie beats!

please. for the love of god. keep your pupils to yourself. thanks.

yes. awesome. lets camp and get dirtier together. it could be fucking harmonious.

dirty hippie feet. dirty hookah. dirty beer wall. the ever present dirty aluminum foil. hah! we weren't dirty crackheads.



one tricked out hemp beaded necklace and one quintessential striped poncho

Thats almost definitely not me, I wouldn't be caught dead in a tie dye dress, hula hooping is for potheads, and this certainly did not take place two months ago.


Tyler Schwend said...

You know, when I saw the first pic, it was before I read anything. And... based on the title, I thought maybe you had gotten bored and pulled a bunch of the old stuff out.

"Heeeeeeeey, there's that ol' hookah I remember... And woah, that weird single piece wood carving thing that was always on the table... But... (turns head sideways) oh well... What?! And she has recreated the beer-... Oh."

Lisa said...

oh hey - you really remember my old college apt! thats awesome - although nothing in that picture is mine except the hookah. I am particularly impressed with your recall of the wooden sculpture-b/c I totally forgot that was in fact, one piece of wood (which is impressive)... but the real question is, do you remember how ungodly messy that place was???

e$ said...

no really - WHAT were you doing with all that aluminum foil???

sabominator said...

when did you reform your unkempt ways and become such a color-coordinated, clorxing housefrau?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that when I met you way back in... 2003? 2004? It took me only a few months to figure out what a hippie you were. And then I called you a hippie. To your face. And you denied it.

I'm so glad you've come to your senses.

- Matt Y

Lisa said...


Sabrina- when I met you!

Matt- for the love of god, I wasn't a hippie ;)